Join Katy and Melanie of Chic Influencer to learn the Basics of Business Building on Instagram!

I don't want to call anyone out, but are you delaying marketing on social media because you just don't know where to start? Seriously, does the whole Instagram thing confuse you? Do you wonder what exactly a hashtag does and if it is really #necessary? How do you actually get people to click on the link in your bio? Is it really necessary to use Instagram if you have a brick and mortar business?

These are all the questions we get asked on the daily when it comes to the ever changing algorithms of Instagram, and if we had to take a guess we'd bet that you have asked yourself a couple of these questions as well.
It has become apparent that people are CRAVING a very simple starting point for social media. If you are not experiencing growth on Instagram, if you don't know what to post on Instagram, or if you just need a little guidance for growing your following we have designed 4 mini classes to help you understand the basics of media marketing. Say goodbye to Instagram overwhelm!
Topics covered:
  • Basics of an eye catching Instagram bio
  • Crafting quality content for #soloprenuers or brick and mortar business owners
  • Basics of taking good photos with your mobile device (no professional photography required)
  • Hashtag basics

Because we know how busy you are, we have also included our 30 day no fail content calendar.

The live class has already happened. When you register today, we will immediately send you the recording of the training and the resources. 

You can connect with others who are in the class within our private online group.

Click the link to register below.


I want to strengthen my Instagram game! Sign me up:


One time payment.

Have immediate access to the #LaptopLifetsyle training recording and resources.










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Two Step

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